Threat Management Workshops:
Threat Deterrence: Tactical psychology emphasizes kinesics and body language projection to prevent violent predators from believing they can successfully target a victim or corporation.

Threat Detection: Interpretation of human threat behavioral pre-cursors, violent criminal objectives, and their tactics.

Threat Defense: Staff members are taught psychology, law and urban survival tactics to make decisions to best achieve safety in the workplace, as well as in their private lives.

Threat Management Assessment:

Phase 1: A facilitation pre-requisite is a comprehensive threat management assessment analysis and countermeasure recommendations report. This report is required to accurately determine the appropriate level of protective countermeasures.

Phase 2: Threat Management assessment contractor coordination. Based upon the Phase 1 threat assessment report your corporation will decide which countermeasures to implement. During Phase 2 your threat management facilitator will seek contractors and acquire quotes to meet your requirements.

Phase 3: Threat Management contractor oversight. Your threat management facilitator will ensure contractor compliance with your chosen countermeasures approved by your corporation based on results from Phase 2.

Protective Etiquette Program

We teach your staff non-offensive methods of communication and non-intrusive methods of physical positioning to legally manipulate or disruptive aggressive persons non-intrusively and without injury.

Corporate Threat Management Protocol Analysis and Development Program:

We analyze current emergency and crisis management procedures within your corporation and develop fail-safe procedures to ensure effectual and proper management of internal and external sources of threat.